Reading Slump Emergency Kit: 15 Surefire Ways To Break Out of a Reading Slump!

Do you find yourself stuck in reading slumps often? Are you caught in one now? Would you be found Googling “how to get out of a reading slump?” This handy-dandy guide will help you to break out of that nasty reading slump and get back to reading right away!

There's a couple of things to keep in mind before you crack open the emergency kit:

Learn to let go

First and foremost, if the book just isn't working out, learn to let go and read something else. Take the pressure off yourself to finish any novel that isn't bringing you joy or fills you with dread when you think about reading it.  I did this last year with a novel that just couldn't keep me hooked no matter what I tried. I had to let it go

Don't set unrealistic expectations

Most of the unnecessary pressures we put on ourselves as readers comes from out lofty reading goals that we take on each year. However, these goals aren't meant to bog you down or make you feel like a failure when you don't reach them—they're just for fun! So don't set unrealistic reading goals and instead, set a few, manageable and achievable goals and just have fun with reading.

Without further ado—onto the list!

Make special time for reading

If you're really loving the book or reading in general, but you just can't bring yourself to sit down each day and read, then you need to intentionally carve out time for reading. This 30 minutes to an hour should be sacred. Figure out where you can cut down time on other activities to read. (Don't forget to take the dog out and feed the kids, though!)

If you're a mood reader

I used to think I'd never be someone who reads daily, that I was a mood reader and if my life was stressful, I would have a hard time sitting down to read and keeping my mind engaged. I think this is true for everyone—it can be hard to get immersed when your life is tumultuous. If you're not able to read for escape then combine the first trip, reading every day with this: set the mood. Make a playlist of songs that remind you of the book your reading or the people, places, or things contained inside it. Play the playlist every day before you scheduled reading time, and you'll start to train your brain to want to read regularly.


Try different genres

My go-to when I get stuck in a reading slump is to put my book down (if I am currently reading one) and pick up another in a different genre, specifically romantic thriller or horror. Even though fantasy is my favorite genre to write in, it can be so hard for me to read fantasy because it's a genre that is typically not very fast-paced.

However, the exact opposites are romantic thrillers and horror novels. These are usually short, action-packed, page turners that kick the pacing up a notch and are usually all I need to pull myself out of a reading slump. When I plan my reading goals each year, I make sure to leave room for the emergency thriller novel after every fantasy novel, just to keep myself on track.


Try reading differently

If you normally just read in silence, I urge you to try out immersion reading—the act of reading a tangible, hard copy book (or e-book) and listening to an audiobook simultaneously. This employs two senses—sight and sound and can make a world of difference in your reading experience. Likewise, you can listen to that playlist you made on page two, or you can listen to ambient sounds from YouTube or websites like Ambient Mixer!


Re-read an all-time favorite

Do this especially if you have an all-time favorite series. This will help you build up the habit of reading while you get back in touch with a familiar story. Every fall, I whip out Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. It never gets old, and it always keeps me reading. (And what do you know—it's a romantic thriller!)


Turn off your phone

I know this can be easier said than done for most in the digital age, but just hear me out. We do TONS of reading daily on our phones, but it's lazy, cheap writing that doesn't provide us with any literary gains. Swap out phone reading time for proper book reading time and see how easy it is to maintain a reading schedule when your phone stays out of the way.


Swap fiction for non-fiction

This is similar to tip number 3, but next time you find yourself stuck in  a reading slump, try reading the opposite of the (overarching) genre you read most. If you typically reach for fiction, switch it up by grabbing a self-help novel or memoir. I really love reading contemporary entrepreneurial books when I need a break from fiction. These books are super inspiring and motivating and they help me in the creative parts of my life when I just feel like spending time in the real world for a while.


Skip the TBR pile and grab something else

If you have more than one bookshelf filled with books you've never read, perhaps you should skip this tip, but if you find you aren't reaching for books on your TBR shelf, look elsewhere for your next read! Check out books from the library so you don't have to feel bad if you don't finish it (the way you would if you'd spent money on it). Or if you're not in immediate danger of TBR-Mount Everest, stop by a new bookstore and pick up a new book that speaks to you. Sometimes, we just get tired of saying we'll read the same books every year and not following through, and all it takes is a fresh face—or well, cover to encourage us.


Do some easy reading

Even if it's a super short book, graphic novel, or magazine, reading something—anything at all can steer you back in the right direction for reading. No matter how easy the read is, the sense of accomplishment you get from completing the read is usually enough to keep you reading and inspire you to tackle bigger reads.


Watch a bad movie adaptation

Sometimes stirring up a little righteous indignation is all it takes to get a reader back in between the pages. Watch the reeeeally crummy ones and remind yourself why books are usually always superior to their movie counterparts.


Get connected

Okay, trying really hard to not contradict myself here, but phones are permitted for this step. Get engaged with the bookish community online or join a book club in real life! Being around like-minded individuals will only encourage you to level-up your reading game and re-inspire your love of books.


Create a cozy reading nook

Of course, don't make it so cozy that you'd fall asleep there, but create a special space away from other activities so that you can read comfortably, without distraction. By doing this, you're assigning that task a specific location which helps the brain understand, when I'm here, I read.


Reorganize your bookshelves

If you're a bookish individual, then you know bookshelf porn is definitely a thing! There is something so powerfully motivating about having a gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing bookshelf to story all your little bookish babies. You can organize them by author, alphabetically, by color, genre, or whatever organization method you chose! You can also decorate your shelves with flowers, dragons, crystals, action figures, or any other gadgets or gizmos that bring you joy!


And that’s it for my 15 tips to break out of a reading slump! Comment your thoughts below and don’t forget to download the free PDF so you can be ready when the next reading slump strikes!



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