Looking to book a guest speaker for your next event?

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to work with words and books—not students and schools. Unexpectedly, working as a substitute teacher in 2022, was a fulfilling, enriching, and transformative experience for me. Educating students of all ages brought me so much joy and purpose, and it inspired me to open up to speaking opportunities in 2023. In an effort to give back to the OKC metro community, you can now book me to come speak at your school or next editorial event and help shape the aspiring writers of today into the successful authors of tomorrow.

Below are the speaking topics that I offer, intended grade levels, pricing per session, and the duration for each topic. Each topic can be adapted for any grade level, so please reach out if you would like to book a specific session for grade level other than indicated.

Please Note: at this time, I am only accepting speaking engagements in the state of Oklahoma.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out at hello@paytonhayes.com.

 Speaking for K-12 schools in OKC


College Admissions Prep Sesh


High school alone can be hard enough, especially when it comes to college admissions applications and essays. Before you can even apply, you’ve got to have a stellar GPA, shining extracurriculars, an after school job, and a sparkling social life. How does one even manage to keep up with all of this? This workshop will prepare students entering high school for the journey ahead, and will assist those already navigating college admissions process.

2 hours | $200 per session

Style Guide Workshop


Editorial projects are often expected to adhere to specific style guidelines, depending on the industry. Academic writing often follows MLA Style, scientific, medical, and technical writing often follows APA Style, journalistic writing follows AP style, and novel writing follows Chicago/Turabian Style. Online writing can be even more complicated depending on the industry and marketing. This workshop serves to educate writers about the different styles, basic style guidelines, and resources to ensure success with each style type.

1 hour | $100 per session

The Writer’s Journey: From Aspiring Writer To Bestselling Author


So, you want to be on the NYT Bestseller’s list? You’ve got a book idea, or even a manuscript. But what comes next? This class is a thorough presentation on the process of transitioning from aspiring writer to best-selling author. Together, let’s look into what it takes to be successful in the publishing industry, including the importance of reading, maintaining a daily writing practice, doing thorough research, and revising your work in order to create a publishable product.

2 hours | $200 per session

English Grammar and Usage


There, their, or they’re? What’s the difference between homophones and homonyms? How do you even use a semicolon? The English language is complicated and loaded with rules that guide usage as much as contradict themselves. This course covers basic grammatical terminology, common usage errors, sentence structure and parts of speech, similar words and phrases that are often confused, and resources for learning. Suitable for all grade levels and people who speak English as a second language.

3 hours | $300 per session

Speaking on Writing and Editing


Developing A Story Idea


Where do bestsellers come from? Does the elusive muse strike a talented writer with inspiration and suddenly a book idea is born? How do writers actually come up with novel ideas? Once you have an idea, how do you transform it into a story worth reading? This class will answer all of these questions and show students how to craft a story by working together using the students’ ideas.

1 hour | $100 per session

How To Nail Page-Turning Tension & Killer Pacing


We’ve all been sucked into a book that we just could not put down. You stay up all night reading, skip meals to devour page after page, and once you’re done, there’s a void in your chest that only said book could fill. That’s called killer pacing and page-turning tension. It’s what keeps readers reading for hours turns your book into a best-seller. Readers leave raving reviews for these kinds of books and they ‘ll do the same for your book too. This class will teach you how to nail pacing and tension in order to create a story your reader just can’t put down.

2 hours | $200 per session

Writing The Hero’s Journey


Why fix what isn’t broken, right? J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, and countless other world-renowned writer’s have utilized the Hero’s Journey in their books and became best-sellers. This class serves to educate writers on the cycle of the Hero’s Journey and how to apply it to science fiction, fantasy, and even narrative non-fiction.

1 hour | $100 per session

Using The 3-Act Story Structure


Do you consider yourself a pantser or a plotter? What’s the difference between the two anyways? The answer is simple: preparation. A plotter devises an entire story based on an outline, while the pantser writes as they go. There are pros and cons to both kinds of writers but both can benefit from using this method. This class will teach you how to utilize the 3-Act Story Structure in your story, no matter your writing style, genre, or reader demographics.

1 hour | $150 per session

Speaking on Publishing and Marketing


Building Your Author Brand


You may have written, edited, and published your book, but your work as an author is far from done. Build your image as a talented writer and best-selling author by building a brand that supports your books. Learn how to create an author website, build a brand kit, prep for interviews, and secure local reading opportunites in your community. This class will equip writers with all the skills they need to create a connected, relatable, effective, and impeccable author brand.

2 hours | $200 per session

Boost Book Sales With Effective Email Marketing


Not nailing your newsletters? After this class, never again. In this class, I give an in-depth demonstration on how to effectively leverage your email newsletter to drive sales, be it books or otherwise. Authors, influencers, and artists alike will benefit from this course because it teaches them essential newsletter basics, how to use email marketing strategically, and provides students with examples of best practices, and pitfalls to avoid.

1 hour | $150 per session

Pro Queries and Blurbs


Tired of getting turned down by publishers and agents? Have you been unable to land an editor? Do you feel like your story is stellar but your book blurb is bumbling? In this class, writers at any level can learn to write compelling book blurbs and query editors, agents, and presses to publish and promote their book.

2 hours | $250 per session

Traditional Versus Self-Publishing


Traditional publishing may not be the best option for every author and likewise for Self-Publishing. As an writer, your primary focus is the story, but to become a successful author, you must be familiar with all aspects of publishing as well. It can be hard to know which option will be the best fit for you. This class serves to educate students and aspiring authors about both options, the publishing process, and to demystify the publishing industry.

1 hour | $100 per session

Speaking on Social Media and Content Creation


Launch Your Own Editorial Freelance Biz


What do you think about working for yourself? Picture this: you’re your own boss. You set your own schedule. You select your own projects. You set your deadlines. It takes an immense amount of effort, hours, and self-discipline to become a successful entrepreneur. This class will teach you how to launch your own freelance editorial business, and for existing business owners, we’ll go over how to rebrand and grow your business so you can see success.

2 hours | $200 per session

Stunning Author Websites


Informative and useful for both authors and influencers, this class will teach students how to create a stunning and highly-marketable website. Every writer needs a personalized platform to showcase their book, blog, services, events, and more! An effective author website will serve as the central hub for readers to access and engage with their favorite authors. Together we’ll carve out your own corner of the internet to share your stories and services with others.

2 hours | $200 per session

How To Have The Best Book Launch EVER


Ready to share your book with the world? Let’s come together to make your book launch a success and throw the most amazing launch party ever! This class serves to educate ready-to-publish authors on how to market their books in the weeks leading up to launch day including content creation, marketing, teasers, giveaways, readings, meetups, and more! You’ve done the hard part! Now let’s turn your hard work into success.

1 hour | $150 per session

Social Media For Authors


Grow a genuine, loyal, supportive, and active reader base with an effective and engaging author brand. Learn how to create a compelling author image to go with your story to set yourself up as a best-selling author. This class will cover topics such marketing, social media engagement, growing an online presence and local community, and how to create loyal, lasting fans out of first-time readers.

2 hours | $200 per session