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 Welcome to the blog!

I post several times a month and cover a wide variety of editorial and artistic topics from bookish things, book reviews, freelance editing, writing, and content creation, social media marketing, being an artist and everything in between. Subscribe to my newsletter in the side bar to get notifications when new blog posts come out!

Bookish Things

The Bookish Things category of the blog is where I write about all things books! Here, you can find book reviews, author interviews, reading challenges, bookish goal setting, and yearly surveys and wrap-ups. If you want me to review a book, you can submit a review request here.


The Freelancing category of the blog is where I provide actionable freelance advice based on my own experience. Here, you can find articles on blogging, book writing, online content creation, having a social media presence, marketing, publishing

Reader Life

The Reader Life Category is where I write about life between the pages. Here, you find blog posts on topics such as reading habits, self-care, and mental health.

Artsy Things

The Artsy Things category is where I write about art and creation. Here, you’ll find posts about art school, fine and digital art, supplies, materials, mediums, and crafting.

Hi there! I’m Payton.

I'm a reader, book editor, and content creator living in Oklahoma with my partner and my plant babies. This is where you’ll find slices of my life between the pages. Grab a warm cup of coffee and stay for a while.








Hi fellow writers! I encourage you to contribute your ideas through guest blogs! If you have a blog post idea or would like to collaborate, please reach out at

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