Editing Misconceptions - Editors Are (Not) Monsters

Black eyeglasses beside a notebook and candle. Photo by Marissa Grootes.

Many people tend to think of editors as the snobby grammar police with their red pens, monsters bent over their keyboards ravenously devouring manuscripts in search of every possible formatting or grammatical error…

Okay, maybe that’s not quite the image that comes to mind for you, but editors are usually not painted in a flattering light, because many creatives don’t know how to take (constructive) criticism. However, these depictions are just simply not true. When it comes to your manuscript- we get it. It’s your passion project, your lifelong dream, your baby. It’s precious to you, and the idea that you’d entrust it to someone else’s eyes is almost mind-boggling, let alone leaving it up to critiquing- that’s downright unthinkable (and brave).

Here’s the truth: editors are not in it to tear your manuscript (and your dreams) to shreds. Yes, there might be some uncomfortable things that need to be addressed in the process of editing your manuscript, however editors aren’t here to just shoot you down, they’re here to help you.

Think of it this way, for an effective editorial process, writers must view their editors as their partners. Editors are like those friends that tell you about the lipstick on your teeth.

You may not always want to hear the comments editors make, but ultimately, we’re here to help you. We want to see you succeed. We want you to be able to connect with your readers. We want to watch a beautiful creation emerge and to see your passion project come to fruition.

Want to know why you need an editor? Click here to learn more!

What did you think about this hot take on editors? Do you agree or disagree? Let me know in the comments below!



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